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Hearthstone Players!

30 Apr 2015 11:02 - 30 Apr 2015 11:06 #201683 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
Barnes is absolutely right. If all you do at 6 mana is play the biggest card in your hand, there's a reason why you might think other card games are better right now and it might be because you're kinda stupid (no offense, Alistair.) There is a time to just play the biggest thing you have because you want to push the issue and make your opponent respond by trashing his board into it, but if you have three other things you can do rather than mindlessly playing your big guy, then it's certainly worth the time to consider it. That's called "getting better at the game."

Stormy, that card is exactly the one I was referencing in my long post: Grim Patron. He takes a little getting used to and can be a gamechanger in Arena if all you have is a bunch of weenies that he can then spawn innumerable 3/3s from. Sometimes that's just how the game goes. He's one of a few cards in the game that have what is known as Super-Taunt. They don't actually have Taunt but everyone will play against them like they do (i.e. Kill it! Kill it NOW!) Other examples include Knife Juggler, Cult Master, and Emperor Thaurissan. Even after people turned against it, I continue to play dual Hellfire in my Demonlock deck, largely because of that card (and because Demonwrath just doesn't kill what needs killing sometimes...)

Gregarius: P2W is perhaps the least applicable label ever applied to Hearthstone. I will say it until I'm blue in the face: You can win with nothing but the basic cards the game gives you. Seriously. It's been done more times than I can count. Trump, one of the more notable streamers out there, has hit legend rank 3 times with 3 different classes using nothing but gold and dust gathered through regular constructed play. Gathering gold, dust, and cards through Arena gives you even more of a leg up. So if you're holding back on spending money based on that principle, I think it's misaligned. But, by all means, play how you want. If you don't want to spend money on the game, don't. It's not required. But if you'd like to throw down a few bucks to see the next adventure or just to have the thrill of opening new cards, don't feel like you're violating some kind of ethical stance as a result. It's all about having fun. If what you want to do is bash around Casual, that's fine. I do it all the time when I'm testing out new ideas that occasionally even work.

But if you ARE going to try to take the game seriously, use this:
I'm not sure if it works on tablets or phones, but it's a brilliant app. It shows you all the cards in your list and tracks them as you use them. It also tracks the cards that come from your opponent's hand and then you can go through simple replays to examine your games and mistakes you might have made. It also tracks all the stats of your individual decks so you know how well you're doing against different decks and classes. It's ridiculously comprehensive. I have just as much fun playing on my phone without it because I know my constructed decks and I know what's in them, but it also works with Arena decks.
Last edit: 30 Apr 2015 11:06 by Jackwraith.

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30 Apr 2015 11:05 - 30 Apr 2015 11:05 #201685 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!

jeb wrote: I've got 60/60/40 gold quests today for Paladin, so see me get wrecked in Casual as I try to squeeze out some wins. I want to play Dragon Paladin, but it dies like a dog in the aggressive Casual room. I'll probably switch to Eboladin (think White Weenie if you played MtG.)

It's Thursday. Last wing with the rest of the drakes. Smash through the bosses and Dragadin may finally be viable...
Last edit: 30 Apr 2015 11:05 by Jackwraith.
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30 Apr 2015 11:07 #201686 by Black Barney
Replied by Black Barney on topic Hearthstone Players!
to be fair, there are some decks in Hearthstone where you shoudl be playing the 6-cost creature once you have six. There are other decks where you wouldn't want to do that necessarily. Just like in Magic, some decks are meant to be played as-is and others offer way more decision points.

I think P2W is a fair label to Hearthstone since if you want to win initially, you have to pay. Otherwise you CAN grind it out but it takes a ton of time before you will be winning consistently. Magic Duels: Origins will surely be the same thing.

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30 Apr 2015 11:45 #201689 by Gregarius
Replied by Gregarius on topic Hearthstone Players!

Jackwraith wrote: Gregarius: P2W is perhaps the least applicable label ever applied to Hearthstone. I will say it until I'm blue in the face: You can win with nothing but the basic cards the game gives you.

Perhaps you didn't read my whole post... I get very excited when I win with just basic cards. I love that aspect of it. Whether the P2W label is appropriate or not, you can very clearly and quickly determine which of your opponents have spent money and which haven't. It's just a point of pride with me that I have not. It's very easy for me to lick my wounds after a defeat and claim "Of course he won, look at all those fancy cards!" But I also learn from my mistakes and discover new cards that might be worth spending dust on.

I don't know what "take the game seriously" means really, but I enjoy playing the game and tinkering with the decks. If it takes me tons of grinding to earn some of the new cards, I'm cool with it.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Black Barney

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30 Apr 2015 12:19 #201693 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!

Gregarius wrote: Whether the P2W label is appropriate or not, you can very clearly and quickly determine which of your opponents have spent money and which haven't. It's just a point of pride with me that I have not.

OK. So, I've been playing since July of 2013. In that whole span of time, I've spent $20 on cards. Does that make me a P2W player? I forged my most recent legendary because I opened a golden Troggdor out of a pack I won in Arena. Does that make me "valid" or not? A number of the big streamers have never spent a dime on the game, but they can play any deck currently available. My friend, Nathan, plays Control Warrior and has never spent a cent. That means he has Grommash, Ysera, Sylvanus, Harrison, Alex, Ragnaros, and Dr. Boom in one deck, all earned through gold and dust. But if you played against him, you'd assume that he spent money and/or was "Pay to Win" when I know for a fact that he isn't. What he does happen to be is a player who takes gaining ranks in constructed quite seriously, so he plays almost every day. The fact that it's possible to win games with basic cards against legendary is a sign of solid design. You should be proud that you won a game using what is widely seen as a "lesser" deck, not because you supposedly walked the higher ethical path of not spending money on a game that, incidentally, is made by a company in order to MAKE money, so that they can keep making games for you and me and everyone else.

Gregarius wrote: I don't know what "take the game seriously" means really, but I enjoy playing the game and tinkering with the decks. If it takes me tons of grinding to earn some of the new cards, I'm cool with it.

And that's fine. Like I said, play how you want. I don't begrudge anyone the way they have fun. What I meant by "take the game seriously" is if you want to really advance on the ladder on a regular basis, the app is useful in examining trends and going back through your games to see where you can improve. If that's not your thing, no worries. I'm just offering resources if people are interested. I don't play seriously on the ladder at the moment, either, but I like the app because I find it interesting to reexamine games and see where the turning points were.

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30 Apr 2015 14:15 #201703 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!
It's P2W, but you can pay with time. Unlike things like CANDY CRUSH, there's no "tiered" play where paying money gets you content you can't get otherwise. I despise F2P as a model, but if you are going to do it, do it like HEARTHSTONE does. (Or MAGIC: DUELS will, I suspect).

More Arena woes: I had a really nice Shaman deck and lost to a Hunter that fucking demolished me on turn 6 with a hasty Savannah Highmane (after hitting me with his 8/1 Flesheating Ghoul, mind you), a Paladin that killed me on turn 8 and then a Mage that killed me on turn 6. That last one had Ragnaros, The Firelord off their Unstable Portal. That's pretty fair. Mogor the Ogre in the pack though! (and 85 gold, which is just fine!)

I never played Shadow Era, but the art looks terribly generic if it matters, Alistair. SolForge has this problem too. There's not much you can do if tied to a ye olden tymes theme, I guess. HEARTHSTONE looks cartoony because it's a goofy, funny game. It totally works. The art on ASCENSION is not generic, and I thought it was actually just... bad, but I got used to it and now I can't see it any other way. That ASCENSION-IN-SPACE game also has really generic art--sci-fi brand there.

I wonder how MAGIC:DUELS will do, because MAGIC is way slower. You can't poop out a game and some poop without being on the pot for a long ass time playing MAGIC.

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30 Apr 2015 18:12 #201726 by Michael Barnes
Replied by Michael Barnes on topic Hearthstone Players!
MacDirk, I fail your quiz because both times I've loaded the game up and tried a few games it didn't interest me at all. The art is unappealing, the rules are workmanlike and overall it feels like an OK game, but for that kind of thing I don't want OK. I want something that draws me in and compels me to play. Hearthstone did this right away, I only stopped playing because it wasn't on the phone yet and also because at the time, playing against the two or three top decks over and over again got really old. It was like playing Magic back when everybody figured out Royal Assassin+Oubliette or something.

I am 100% against F2P sales models, but I think Hearthstone is respectful of the player and there is PLENTY of game if you never spend a dollar on it. And there are lots of "free" rewards just for only gets expensive if you insist on having specific cards and buying random packs to try to build decks. "Paying with time" is definitely a thing, and if you want a Legendary, you can eventually craft your way into it just by playing the game. Note that they do not sell singles- because it's more important from a business perspective that you play the game to earn them or to try to pull one out of a booster than it is to sell them to you outright. Because the matchmaking is connected to your level, you're also almost never going to be up against someone with a top-ranked deck unless it's early in the month and that player hasn't progressed up to his or her standard playing level. It sort of evens out. But like any CCG, you're going to get screwed by the draws (on both sides of the table), you're going to be paired up with players that will just destroy you, you're going to always wish that you had some other card or cards.

They could EASILY have loaded the game up with timers, purchase-able currency packs to buy cards, extra deck slots for sale, cooldown abilities or crafting meters that you can pay to speed up, and so on. The only "P2W" are endemic to all CCG-style games.

Jeb watched one of my games a little while ago. I was so nervous. At least I smushed the dude with a pumped up Lightspawn and a Mind Blast.

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30 Apr 2015 18:35 - 30 Apr 2015 18:39 #201729 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!

Michael Barnes wrote: Jeb watched one of my games a little while ago. I was so nervous. At least I smushed the dude with a pumped up Lightspawn and a Mind Blast.

He's being modest--it was turn 7. The guy was trying to come back with a big old Faceless Manipulator on the 9/9 Lightspawn but it didn't matter.

Watching folks is part of the fun of HEARTHSTONE. It'll be neat to see if WotC tries to enable that too.


One thing to warn newer players about is "farming." Some folks intentionally concede at the turn of the month to bust all the way down to the lower ranks so they can romp with high-powered decks against new/inexperienced players. It's a dick move of the highest order. If you are Rank 23 and some Golden Portrait Wallet Warrior shows up, feel free to take the full 90 seconds per turn and spam your threats constantly.

Let this slide in the Casual room though, because folks might be trying something out before they bring it to the ladder.
Last edit: 30 Apr 2015 18:39 by jeb.

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30 Apr 2015 21:04 #201730 by SebastianBludd
Replied by SebastianBludd on topic Hearthstone Players!

Egg Shen wrote:

jeb wrote: If you want to Add Friends or be added, you need to send the Battletag and the #, like jeblucas#1574. Here's our current list:

  • jeblucas#1574
  • Jackwraith#1816
  • GameTekGuy#1675
  • NotSure#1314
  • QPCloudy#1141

You don't need to be playing forever to have those juiced deck--you need to have been playing for about six months. I started in October and have plenty of good shit. I did spend $50 on the Adventures, and each of those gets you ~6 Legendaries plus some Epics, Rares, &c.

The vast majority of my collection is from packs earned via Arena, quests, or spare gold once I'd accrued enough to keep my Arena habit going. Battletag ID is MRNad15#1538

I'm Boddicker#1542 and I literally started playing yesterday. I like how they halved the deck size from MTG so making a deck isn't so overwhelming. I've never drafted in any format in any game so I'm looking forward to Arena even though right now I'm a flailing noob.

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30 Apr 2015 21:49 #201731 by rocketkiwi
Replied by rocketkiwi on topic Hearthstone Players!
I'm Dom#1815 if anyone needs a pack for spectating and catches me early in an arena run (past two wins I make no promises).

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01 May 2015 08:29 #201733 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!

rocketkiwi wrote: I'm Dom#1815 if anyone needs a pack for spectating and catches me early in an arena run (past two wins I make no promises).

Ha. No worries. Since GvG, Arena has been so volatile that it's easy to crash and burn after 2 wins. I've done it a few times with what I thought were solid decks. The weird thing about Arena right now is that there are still cards that are more valued than others (many of them also in Constructed) but I've seen so many people make solid, successive turns with "bad" cards that I'm starting to really rethink the current tiers. Trump had/has the same problem. People tended to follow his assessment of Arena cards through Naxx, but when the randomness of GvG came down, it took him a while to recover and he had to do serious reassessments of several cards. (Of course, like many players, Trump is also prone to caution over exuberance; he didn't think either Dr. Boom or Imp Gang Boss (to give two recent examples from GvG and BRM, respectively) were going to be that good, either.)

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01 May 2015 10:13 #201735 by stormseeker75
Replied by stormseeker75 on topic Hearthstone Players!
stormseeker#1533 if you want to add me. I've sent a bunch of friend requests to you jabronies.

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01 May 2015 11:04 #201744 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!

Jackwraith wrote:

rocketkiwi wrote: I'm Dom#1815 if anyone needs a pack for spectating and catches me early in an arena run (past two wins I make no promises).

Ha. No worries. Since GvG, Arena has been so volatile that it's easy to crash and burn after 2 wins. I've done it a few times with what I thought were solid decks. The weird thing about Arena right now is that there are still cards that are more valued than others (many of them also in Constructed) but I've seen so many people make solid, successive turns with "bad" cards that I'm starting to really rethink the current tiers. Trump had/has the same problem. People tended to follow his assessment of Arena cards through Naxx, but when the randomness of GvG came down, it took him a while to recover and he had to do serious reassessments of several cards. (Of course, like many players, Trump is also prone to caution over exuberance; he didn't think either Dr. Boom or Imp Gang Boss (to give two recent examples from GvG and BRM, respectively) were going to be that good, either.)

I can forgive Trump the Dr. Boom assessment, because he evaluated it based on limited information--at the time all we had was the text, "Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Boombots. CAUTION: Boombots may explode." It turns out that means, "Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Boombot Mechs with Deathrattle: Deal 1-4 damage to a random enemy." The first card could be shit. The second card is the best card in the game. Imp Gang Boss is a gaffe, though, that card is sick and Warlock's 3-drops were woeful heretofore. Warlock getting more demons and pings is a rough go for everyone else.

I again drafted a Mage deck with no Flamestrikes. Or Fireballs. Or Frostbolts this time, because, really who needs direct dama--I went 2-3. Got shredded by two Warlocks this morning. I got the game back in hand against the last one, but he Shadowflamed (for 5) my 4/5 Darkscale Healer, 8/5 Taunted Stalking Tiger, 3/4 Water Elemental, and 4/3 Houndmaster and proceeded to mess up my face area with his 8/5 Floating Watcher. I dodged Hellfire, though! Woo!

I expect to see you with cupcake cardbacks this month.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackwraith

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01 May 2015 11:33 #201748 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!

jeb wrote: I can forgive Trump the Dr. Boom assessment, because he evaluated it based on limited information--at the time all we had was the text, "Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Boombots. CAUTION: Boombots may explode." It turns out that means, "Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Boombot Mechs with Deathrattle: Deal 1-4 damage to a random enemy." The first card could be shit. The second card is the best card in the game.

Yeah. That's a good point. You're right. I forgot that the Boom Bots weren't detailed.

jeb wrote: Imp Gang Boss is a gaffe, though, that card is sick and Warlock's 3-drops were woeful heretofore. Warlock getting more demons and pings is a rough go for everyone else.

Definitely. I couldn't understand that one. IGB is the perfect three drop for Warlocks (and even survives Hellfire!) I have to say, though, that I've been having ridiculous fun the last couple days (including at 3 AM this morning; thanks, insomnia!) with a Mage Waker deck. My opponent got the low roll on Imp-losion this morning and only got 2 Imps (which was still enough to kill my Apprentice, of course), both of which were promptly shot by my Waker when I tossed an Arcane Intellect on the next turn...

jeb wrote: I expect to see you with cupcake cardbacks this month.

Denied. I'm rockin' the pirate flag until next month when the ninjas take over. Goblins? Gnomes? Pfft. Pirates vs Ninjas!

Also, in today's version of Hearthstone Luck to the Nth Degree: I have some gold built up, since I haven't been buying packs recently since I have most of the cards I want. But I've been thinking about some Rogue control decks and a key card is Trade Prince Gallywix, since he slows down the likelihood of things like Flamestrike and Hellfire and direct damage ("Fireball? Thanks! It's coming right back next turn along with my comboed Eviscerate! Let's race!") Plus he's immune to BGH and still has the fat ass of KT (and now Chromaggus.) So, I bought three packs of GvG. 1st had a Quartermaster (dust; already have 2). 2nd was the standard 1 Rare pack. The 2nd card of the 3rd exploded with the legendary ring of fire... Woo hoo!... Trade Prince Gallywix. Sometimes you actually do get what you "pay" for.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb

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01 May 2015 12:35 #201755 by Michael Barnes
Replied by Michael Barnes on topic Hearthstone Players!
Imp Gang Boss, would you fucking kindly fuck right the fuck off? At least until I have two, then come back and let's make friends.

I'm totally cupcaked up, I love it. I love cupcakes, I have some cupcake paintings in my kitchen. I'm sure the hardcore nerd-ass "axes and fire" set don't go in for it, but I thought they were cute.

How in the world was I even able to play this game before crafting two Ironbeak Owls? Those little bastards have been- no shit- gamewinners since I put them in my Priest deck.

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